Thursday, February 28, 2013

The history of planes in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Aviation in Albuquerque and in New Mexico was booming in the early 1900's. By 1913 some pilots were  using a simple landing strip at the end of the University of New Mexico. In 1928, two Santa Fe rail road employes  built a private airport in Albuquerque using equipment from the city and they made two run ways on  the east mesa four miles from downtown. In the ten years from 1920-1930 Albuquerque grew from 15,000 to 26,000 people. Some people saw Albuquerque as a cross roads location. The two competing  airports eventually join to make TWA the first national airline to fly out of New Mexico.  In 1955 TWA flight 260 became an historic  flight that crashed into the the Sandia Peak (the watermelon mountains). Later that year the city was talking about making a public airport with WPA money. The airport opens with two paved run ways and a pueblo style terminal building. In April 1941 a B-22 bomber lands on the strip. Today this is  known as Kirtland Airforce Base. In 1962 President John F. Kennedy  visits Sandia National labs for a weapons debriefing. In 1965 construction is completed on a building called  The Albuquerque International Sunport.

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  1. This is an exact copy of your homework assignment - You cannot reuse an assignment you have already turned in - This is considered academic dishonesty.
