Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Future travel

Steven hawking talked about an idea, an idea of future travel. His idea was that if a train could break the speed of sound it would be able to travel fast then time and would be able to travel 100's or thousands of years ahead,but this is just theory the way is to travel the speed of light. If this is accomplished the train is breaking the rules of physics, because nothing is faster than light, but because of physics this can never happen. the trains speed would just stay below the speed of light. now inside the the train there are passengers like in the video because everything outside is going really fast everything in side is slowing down. just to overt reaching the speed of light.They said even though this could be happen the funding and money needed would never get funding and the problem of the train is you would need to buy a new train every time becuase it can't come back. 

In New Mexico N.A.S.A is working on commercialization for space flight. thats right they want to be able  to send citizens out into space. basically like a trip on a plane but in space. the cool thing about this is that it is here in New Mexico so for us its an easy travel to the spaceport. it costs 200,000,000 dollars to build this spaceport, witch in fact most of it is from the states pocket. the main man behind this project is Richard Branson. he plans in the future to build space resorts and land passengers on the moon.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Transportation in new mexico has greatly increased over the past years. we have gone from horses, cars trains, and other things, but now we writing about the planes of new mexico. Planes were a great addition to transportation but were not too sure about how to react to these flying objects. If i was one of the first to be introduced to planes, i would not know how to react. The first plane made did not look like the kind of thing you would want any family riding in.    These airplanes were not exactly built to hold too many people because they were very old and the technology used to build these was not very good.

Modern day airplanes are very well built and are even used to not only transport people but also to transport heavy military equipment. Airplanes now compared to airplanes back in the day are much better. The airplanes might not be good for the environment but are much safer for us while in the plane. I would not consider airplanes to be the most reliable form of transportation now because of the mistakes people make but there are many unmanned air crafts that are not made for transporting people, but they are very good.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

fun time

the gameTWA crash


Hey guys, you really need to post your full blog so that I can at least give you credit for something...Considering your group blog is worth 50 of your 75 points for the assignment, it is imperative that you produce something. If nothing is posted beside a re-posted homework assignment, I have no choice but to give you all low grades. Even if the assignment is late, that is still much better than not completing it at all. ~ Ms. Schlabach

Sunday, March 3, 2013

to john

we need you to finish the typing up so i can correct your work. And copy and paste the links that ivan posted in tour work.